How to search optimize your webste content for 2020 and beyond
If you're a complete beginner and you've never written content for a website before, this guide will break down the process step-by-step to help anyone potentially rank their website on the first page of Google.
This is part 5 of our website creation series. You can check out the other chapters below.
What is SEO and why is it important?
SEO, or search engine optimization, is the process of optimizing your website content so it ranks as high as possible in Google for a strategic set of search terms.
The SERP (search engine results page) consists of both ads and organic results. Organic results are those that rank naturally for a given search query.
SEO is important because, as your website climbs the ranks in Google search results, more people visit your website. And if you run a business website, more visitors means more customers.
In this post, we'll teach you how to do SEO for both a brick and mortar store (local SEO) as well as an ecommerce store with no physical shop front.
To illustrate our examples, we'll invent 2 different stores:
Business name: Puppy Toys and Things
This will be the brick and mortar store. Let's base it in New York City. This store sells dog toys and dog accessories.
Business name: The Cycle Wonderland
This will be an ecommerce store without a physical location.
Website text fields that affect your Google rank
The following text fields affect your Google rank. We'll teach you how to optimize each of them.
Title tag
This is the title you click on in Google search results:
H1 tag
This is the title of a web page.
Meta Description
Now this isn't a direct ranking factor, but it does encourage more clicks on your website in search results (click through rate) which is a
major ranking factor.
The meta description is the short summary that appears unders the title tag:
These are the titles that separate your content into different sections. The keywords you incorporate into them helps Google understand what each section of content is about.
They also help break up your information so that it isn't just a single block of intimidating text.
Here are some examples of headings:
URL structure
The URL of each page should contain the primary keywords you want to rank for (especially important for blog posts).
Here's an example of a URL structure optimized for the keywords "fresh orange juice."
Body content
The body content of all web pages consist of strategic keywords each page needs to rank for. The best SEO practices focus on presenting a breadth of information about a certain topic, rather than focusing on keyword density.

Body text - Source - thecreative.cafeTechnical SEO
There are also technical factors that affect your Google rank. We've summarized them below. It's important that you set your website up for technical SEO to ensure you build on a solid SEO foundation.
Site speed
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Every time you publish content, you should test the site speed of that page. You can
do this for free online. just paste in the URL of your newly published web page.
Your website should load in less than 2 seconds. Less than 1 second is ideal.
How to increase site speed
To ensure your website loads as quickly as possible, follow theses tactics:
Compress all images
You should compress all the images you use on your website so that they load much faster. You can do this for free online at
Tinypng does liimit you to 20 compressions in the one session, you need to upgrade to a paid plan to remove this restriction.
A workaround to this is to refresh the page after each compression session so that you keep reseting your compression count.
Compress files
You should also compress all of the files you will be making aviable for download on your website. You can use any of the online tools above or do it on your computer by simply dragging all the file contents into a compressed folder.
If you're not sure how to create a download link on your website, here are some video tutorials for
Squarespace, and
Reduce redirects
A redirect is what happens when loading a particular webpage triggers another webpage to load instead. For example, loading redirects to
You should only use redirects if they're absolutely necessary. It's best to avoid them all together.
Leverage browser caching
This is an advanced procedure, so you may need the assistance of an experienced web developer.
Browser caching stores your website's loading data in a browser so that it doesn't need to completely load from scratch every time a user revisits your website. So with browser caching initiated, your website will load faster the second time than it did the first.
To enable browser caching, you need to
edit your HTTP headers with set expiry times so that browsers know when to reload your complete page again. Just make sure you don't set the refresh rate too far apart, otherwise visitors won't see the updates you publish on your site
SSL certificate
Google rewards websites that protect the safety of visitors. An HTTPS encryption protects any data a user submits on a website, such as contact form submissions and credit card purchases.
If you have a
Shopify or Wix store, your website will automatically have an HTTPS encryption. If you're building your website manually, you'll need to purchase an SSL certificate separately via your website host.
To check if you have an SSL certificate look for a lock icon in the URL of your website, as well as an "https" prefix.
A robot.txt file is a set of instructions in the HTML code that lets Google know how it should crawl (or read) a web page.
Wordpress websites and drag-and-drop builder websites automatically have a robot.txt file embedded into all of their webpages, so you don't need to worry about it.
Web developers who build completely custom websites from scratch need to include both a robot.txt file and robot tags in their coding.
How to set up your website for technical SEO
The absolute best way to make sure your website is set up for technical SEO is to talk to a technical SEO expert. If you're not familiar with technical SEO or web development, it can be really difficult to ensure your site is optimized for search. You can find a
freelance technical SEO expert to help you.
How to do keyword research
All great website content starts with effective keyword research.
This doesn't mean you find keywords and stuff them into your site content without context. The Google algorithm can
understand the nuances of the text on a website, and with every successive algorithm update, Google is stepping closer towards a human-like level of comprehension.
So you shouldn't worry too much about using the "perfect" keywords. If you focus on covering the topic rather than using the exact keywords, the algorithm will understand what your website is about. In short, write for humans, not for robots.
Now let's break down the best method of conducting topical keyword research for a fresh website. We'll use our two example websites to illustrate the process:
Web page keyword research
Let's start with local SEO keyword research for Puppy Toys and Things.
Open up a Google Sheet. The title of the sheet will be your website URL and the sheet label will be the page you're conducting keyword research for.
Local keywords column
In this column list all of the different name variations of the location of the business:
End-user identities column
In this column, list all of the different title variations of your end user and be as specific as possible. Use your
customer personas as a guide. For example, if your target audience is video game enthusiasts, your title variations would include gamers, multiplayers, single players, etc.
If you can't think of end-user identities, a quick Google search of the main term follows by "synonyms" could give you some great ideas:
Direct keywords column
In the "direct keywords" column, list all of the keywords that directly describe the content on the page.
Related keywords column
For each of the direct keywords, list related keywords to broaden the topic. These related keywords can be deeper descriptions of each direct keyword
If you need inspiration, a Google search will uncover some great keyword ideas. Just make sure they accurately describe your product or the application of the product. For example, we searched the phrase "dog toy balls" and just by perusing the results page we discovered the following keyword ideas:
You can use the same related keywords for each direct keyword if they support the description:
Even though we haven't done exhaustive keyword research, we already have a nice selection of keywords we can use on our home page.
We can mention that our dog toy store, located in New York City, sells tough and indestructible toys for dogs.
We could even mention how our squeaky teddy bear toy range can keep restless puppies entertained because our store is the best canine shop in the East Coast.
Notice how we're not concerned with using each keyword in its exact order. The goal is to discuss the topic by naturally including direct and indirect references to each keyword.
Related phrases column
To make sure you cover as much of the topic as possible, you should also make a list of keywords that relate to your topic. This practice is known as Semantic SEO and it's a powerful strategy for ranking for hundreds of search phrase variations.
Search any combination of keywords (the fewer the better) from any column and note down all of the relevant search phrases suggested by Google. Since in this example we're doing keyword research for our home page, we’ll use the primary keywords “dog toys” as the root search term.
This list doesn't have to align with any of the other entries. It's simply an unstructured brainstorm of related phrases:
If you scroll down to the very bottom of the search results, Google will suggest even more related searches:
As you write your web page content, reference these related phrases to add more depth to your descriptions. You can also use them to help you come up with content ideas.
For example, if we had writer's block, these results could inspire us to write about how our dog toy range can accommodate for different dog characteristics and then provide specific examples for each of them.
In the following example, notice how we also naturally incorporated some of the other keywords in our spreadsheet to form this keyword rich paragraph. See if you can identify each of them:
"We have a range of chewy dogs toys specifically designed for aggressive chewers, from bouncy balls to even plush teddy bears with triple stitching. These toys are manufactured to be super tough and almost indestructible, so your puppy can play fetch with the same best friend even when it grows into a big dog!"
Questions column
In this column you'll list the relevant questions your target audience is searching for. A great free resource to use for this is
Answer The Public.
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