There are many ways to market content. You can blog about it to promote it to your followers, utilize social media for a wider reach, or come up with a viral campaign where people share your content organically. All these strategies have proven to be effective, and sometimes generate steady engagement from Web visitors.
Choosing the right visual medium is not always easy. But when you want to talk about data, processes, or complex relationships, creating a compelling visual can be the best way to get the idea across.
The Power of Infographics
Infographics are a visual, creative, and illustrative way to represent information, knowledge, or data. The explosion of infographics on the Web today is due to the infographic's ability to convert complex or even mundane topics into something that can be visually stunning and easy to grasp. Infographics offer vast potential for growing an audience, enhancing brand recognition, and ultimately, improving rankings. Not convinced yet? Here are more reasons why infographics should be part of your content marketing strategy:
Infographics can make information more appealing.
People love fast facts and statistics. Images give authenticity to your content and can provide the reader with a more accurate picture of data and abstract concepts. The innovative use of colors, lines, shapes is a creative way to merge art and information.
It is more persuasive and memorable.
With its unique way of presenting data and information and its concise manner of arrangement, the right infographic can easily persuade the reader and allow them to remember the imagery used along with the data it represents.
They are easily accessible.
Because people are highly visual, many readers usually look for material that can easily explain things to them. If readers are scanning the Web for something quick or nice to share, infographics can compel them to check your content first, since visual content is faster to process than written content.
Infographics are more likely to be shared.
Because infographics are eye-catching, it is easy to share them on social media. Additionally, they can help create brand awareness. Depending on the information being presented, a product or logo placed in the infographic can help people remember your brand.
Creating a Buzz-Worthy Infographic
1. Determine your audience's interests. Think about the topic you want to cover and the questions that are important for your target audience. Do your research and come up with surprising, useful, and informative information that you can add to your visual.
2. Focus: If you think your topic is too broad, narrow it down and focus on its most interesting angle. Remember, the point of creating an infographic is to engage your reader, so keep it clear and compelling.
3. Edit: Make sure your reader stays with you by omitting unnecessary details that don’t add value to your message. It’s easy to get carried away with all the fun ideas that come up while researching for your topic. In the end, remember that you don’t want to bombard your reader with irrelevant information.
4. Arrange: The content outline should begin with your most powerful piece of information so that your readers are hooked right away. Organize your supporting information to build up a surprise in the middle. Follow it up with a clear conclusion and a call-to-action at the end if you're using the material to market something.
5. Visualize and develop a clear creative work order: With a final theme and direction, specify the visual theme—color codes can determine what should be text and what should be visual.
Don’t forget to collect feedback on your infographic from people who represent your target audience. Once you get positive response, share it with the world! Remember to write supporting articles and include an embed code so they can share it on their own sites.