Jakub Shares About UI and CRO on Today’s WAMA

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Jakub Linowski, User Interface (UI) mastermind and Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) expert, shared about his company’s best practices and answered UI and CRO questions on today’s Warrior Ask Me Anything (WAMA) at the Warrior Forum. He runs the Linowski consulting firm that performs different A/B tests for clients, and their company focuses on optimization for purchases, lead generation, and sign ups. He aims to educate anyone who’s interested in CRO to perform tests that will help them produce landing pages with high conversion rates.

On Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization or CRO is the process of employing different strategies on a website that will encourage visitors to take on the action that you want them to do. It can mean creating accounts, signing up for mailing lists, buying products, or even downloading apps. In order to identify which strategy to use, A/B tests need to be run, which test one version of a Web page or element against another version of the same type. One example is testing the effectiveness of a green Call to Action (CTA) button versus a blue button. Jakub recommends first establishing a goal with a specific benefit before running A/B tests and then be open to evaluating the results.

Jakub attests that it’s good to have a user interface background in doing A/B tests because you’ll have an idea of how to revise your landing pages as per the tests results. However, you can also rely on customer or user feedback in improving landing pages. Just take note of repetitive issues that are reported by users and conduct A/B tests for them.

On Effective Page Optimization Techniques

Jakub recommends using headlines that work really well. This means shifting the focus on the “You” instead of the “I” language, which highlights the users as the main beneficiaries rather than your own business. It’s also useful to quantify the value proposition by showing numbers and injecting it in the headline instead of presenting a general statement.

He also advises taking caution when changing color schemes because it might yield only minor improvements, if any. Use complementing colors to increase contrast. Don’t use the same colors for different elements like copy, clickables, and selected items -- these elements should have unique colors.

With regard to asking for payments in landing pages, Jakub says it makes sense to offer your target audience something valuable first, like educational content. Avoid asking for payments or purchases if you haven’t reinforced the benefits that your customers will receive in the first place.

On His Advice for Budding CRO Specialists

Jakub says it all starts with running a simple A/B test where B is a variable that you’re confident in and obtaining the results for that. He strongly advises on calculating sample sizes at the onset of the test. Lastly, he recommends checking GoodUI Better Data for more detailed CRO tips.

Jakub’s Special Warrior Deal

We hope you learned profitable information from Jakub’s WAMA today. As a treat to all Warriors, he has a special offer for their firm’s GoodUI Datastories Bundle. Get 6 issues for the price of 1! For only $35, you’ll have access to their stories of successes and failures. Learn how to optimize pages that produce higher conversion and improve your CRO strategies! This is available until March 2, 2015 only, so take advantage of it now before it’s too late.

I want to buy GoodIU Datastories Bundle now!

Missed the WAMA today? Jakub’s WAMA recording will be available in Warrior Forum on Tuesday, February 24. Also, please stay tuned for announcements of our next WAMA speaker, which we will roll out sometime next week.

Posted 20 February, 2015


Senior Product Marketing Manager, Freelancer.com

Writing and editing is my passion. Aside from doing SEO and digital marketing for Freelancer.com, I also host events like weddings and debuts. I am a volunteer English and Reading teacher for public school students. I love reading books and traveling to different countries.

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