Freelancer: nitinbhardwaj01
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Semantic text similarity for legal documents

This problem seems like a data classification problem where we have different entries and we have to compare them against the standard. So a metric for similarity has to be defined with an acceptable threshold. Keywords for acceptance and their synonyms will play another important role. Here are my responses to your answers - What would be your solution to address this challenge ? - Software technologies you would use - Python, NLTK, Spacy, Gensim, TF-IDF, Word embeddings - Approaches for training your would use - Text classification and entity detection - Data science approaches you would use - Data classification using SVM or other approaches. Actually depends on the data that we have . The more the data, the better will be the accuracy. - Potentially some specific way to prepare the definition of the "standard" you would recommend - Need to see the current data format before I can suggest anything.

Contest Entry #3 for                                                 Compare text to a standard set of terms - Deep Learning, NLP

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