Freelancer: SandiponCho
Report Entry

the corrected sample

Dont mind the watermark, the final product wont have it :) and yes I would appreciate a mention of it being my design in your e-book, it will help spread the word around about my services.

Contest Entry #11 for                                                 Illustrate Something for e-book cover

Public Clarification Board

  • mythicalkitten
    Contest Holder
    • 10 years ago

    I understand about the watermark, it is important that you protect your work I know how I would feel it someone took my writing and called it theirs. I like the image better without the silver backing around that numbers, i think it opens up the space between the two worlds

    • 10 years ago
    1. SandiponCho
      • 10 years ago

      Yes, very true, that box was a distraction in retrospect, Beyond this one change, I made small other tweaks that you might have missed at first viewing of the previous sample but I as a designer realized they were not complementing the thing overall. This is a very competent correction that I did over the last one (if I can boast a little). If you have some modification you'd like I'd be welcome to commit it.

      • 10 years ago