Law Firm Use of Linked In

  • Status: Closed
  • Prize: $35
  • Entries Received: 6
  • Winner: elamaranr13

Contest Brief

We are trying to devise a questionnaire about how law firms should use LinkedIn and we want suggestions on what we should ask them. Give us a list of 10 questions or give us the same number of ideas about how law firms can profit from the use of LinkedIn.

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Public Clarification Board

  • elamaranr13
    • 11 years ago

    Hi, While converting I can get the image with only 8 questions in it. Here are the other two:
    8. Do you have accounts in other Social Networking Platforms and is/are that account(s) active?
    (The prospect can be explained the need to update regularly and simultaneously on various Social Networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Tumblr, etc. and how that can help in Branding the Law Firm in the vast world of Internet)

    9. Do you wish to take regular surveys/opinion polls via LinkedIn to find out what’s trending?
    (Optional! But, still can be an effective way to increase traffic if the topic is a trending one)

    10. Do you wish to recruit currently/in the future via LinkedIn for your firm?
    (Optional! But can be explained with the reach of an effective Requirement Posting)
    Please message me if you liked them!

    • 11 years ago

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