Public Clarification Board

  • hugoCFR
    Contest Holder
    • 5 years ago

    Overall a good job, well done, but not a video - See some ideas below :-)

    -Video: picture loaded (0 sec duration), not a video

    -Personage: Good idea - Can be a bit more different
    See example in the description
    Some ideas: legs and arms a bit more curved to present a move,
    Head not perfectly round - can be a mix of a normal face and a round face (see example attached)
    Shorter legs, Some hair on the head

    -Scenes: Very good, can be less detailed if needed
    Some ideas: Details on the hills are very good.
    See example in the description
    Option 1 - Drawing the shape of several trees in the background (ie same shape with different sizes + use of the same color or different color shades to present the forest / different color for the sky
    Option 2 - Drawing parts of the background, ie. hills, trees, sky but using different shades of the same color

    -Colors: Good job, pastel colours preferred :-)
    See example in the description

    • 5 years ago