any joomla developer a minimum 1 to 3 year experience salary 20000 inr to 50000inr -- 2

Closed Posted 1 year ago Paid on delivery
Closed Paid on delivery

I am looking for a Joomla developer with at least 1 to 3 years of experience to handle customization, migration, and maintenance tasks for my project. The salary range is between 20000 INR to 50000 INR. The project has to be completed as soon as possible, and I would require regular ongoing support after the project is completed. Ideal skills for this job include expertise in Joomla, PHP, MySQL, and HTML/CSS.


Project ID: #36684532

About the project

4 proposals Remote project Active 1 year ago

4 freelancers are bidding on average ₹35404 for this job


Hi Sir I can do it for you, I have worked joomla from 2008, and I can do for you long time contact with me, we will work together thank you for your replying

₹45000 INR in 7 days
(4 Reviews)

Hi I have over years of experience in PHP , Joomla development and MySQL, CSS, HTML, Javascript and associated technologies.

₹50000 INR in 15 days
(1 Review)