Perl Daemon on Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS, Windows Version
$30-250 USD
Posted almost 13 years ago
$30-250 USD
Paid on delivery
Modify windows version for below specs:
1. PERL Daemon, Wrapper Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS will use EXIFTool to extract metadata to create separate files for each image, audio, video file in specified directories, sub directories. Attached is the Windows version of this application that works very well with great performance.
2. We expect a professional, commercial grade code and script using but not limited to the these programing languages: PERL
3. Please download and review the Requirements Document and Windows version of the program. It defines the scope of the project and has many details that will answer many of your questions.
Bidding: Please include a project summary, brief explanation of tools and techniques you will use and a proposed timeline.
Bids without supporting information will be ignored.
Please ask question before bidding! We will respond as soon as possible.
This project should be very straight forward for the person familiar with PERL, daemons, Unix, Linux and Ubuntu.
If you are not going to test your code, do not bid.
Testing results example for Windows version:
Windows 7 was brought up successfully, and here are the testing results (Windows 7 starter, under VMWare Fusion, Mac Mini - 4Gb, 2.4GHZ Dual Core, 5400RPM HDD):
3.37GB (1'113 files) were processed for 1 minute 24 seconds.
5.47GB (1'513 files) were processed for 1 minute 15 seconds.
CPU was utilised for ~ 60-70%, memory usage ~30MB.
Other Information:
1)I require complete and fully-functional working program in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done so that I may modify it in the future. No pre-compiled components with source code are allowed.
2) Deliverables must be in ready-to-run condition as follows (depending on the nature of the deliverables).
3) All other software, including but not limited to any desktop software or software the employer intends to distribute, must include a software installation package that will install the software in ready-to-run condition on the platform(s) specified in this project (unless specified elsewhere by the employer).
4) All deliverables will be considered 'work made for hire' under U.S. Copyright law. Employer will receive exclusive and complete copyrights to all work purchased.
5) If you infringe any copyright you will forfeit all escrowed funds under the terms of "fraud" in your contract and may have your account suspended. DO NOT BID ON THIS PROJECT unless you fully understand United States copyright law and it ramifications to you.
6) No part of the deliverable may contain any copyright restricted 3rd party components (including GPL, GNU, Copyleft, etc.) unless all copyright ramifications are explained AND AGREED TO by the employer on the site.