Boutique Gadgets Portables GSM

by avadheshkumar33
Boutique Gadgets Portables GSM

Boutique Gadgets Portables GSM is french electronic store with nice collection of data and fully functional with Custom Categories, Bestsellers, Featured Products and other popular shopping cart features. For: Julie Site: Tech: Magento, PHP, Ajax, Facebook API

image of username avadheshkumar33 Flag of India ahmedabad, India

About Me

I have over 6 years of experience working with open source PHP/MySQL and CMS technologies. I expertise in CMS like Joomla, Drupal, Wordpress, Magento and custom build CMS, Frameworks like Code Igniter, CakePHP, Zend. I also expertise in using XML, XHTML, Javascripts, Ajax, and third party APIs like ebay, paypal, google checkout, amazon etc. I am available online on IM almost all the time and work round the clock. I can write and speak English very well and have no problem understanding and interacting over voice with clients. I have my own test servers for the work to be uploaded on it and reports are being sent to clients for the work on daily basis through email.

$10 USD/hr

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