Mobile Application Portfolio

by kinjaltriforce
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*Chummy:- Using GPS technology, this app helps users connect with potential (or existing) friends within a particular area. *GambleTracker:- Users can add the visit details for keeping track of the winning and losing. Users can also add the player and IOUs details. *Coupon Locator:- This mobile application helps the users to get access to a wide range of discount coupons. After downloading the app, filling the registration from and logging into the application, the users can choose the area in which they intend to shop. *Divya Yoga:- It helps users to stay fit by giving them comprehensive guidance and information regarding diverse Yoga asanas. *Appraiser Aide:- This is an app for appraisers, and it helps them find different ways to earn more money through their business. It shows how appraisers can utilize Appraiser Aide's Real Estate Appraisal Report Data Entry services to earn more money. *Medicine Diary *Bump API *NZPizza-1 *Model Agency *Gino Pizza *Skylark *Self-

image of username kinjaltriforce Flag of India Ahmedabad, India

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$12 USD/hr