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Emmanuel Nkem N.



Process/Chemical Engr.(Sustainable Process Design)

$100 USD / Hour
Flag of
Nigeria (12:10 PM)
Joined on July 30, 2014
$100 USD / Hour
A talented Chemical Engineer with seasoned working knowledge of Process simulation and equipment design and pipeline design using Aspen Hysys, Aspen Plus, Autocad, Plant3d. An expert in health and safety planning and processes, great analytical, simulation and technical/CAD skill; Ready to deliver my best in high level researches, process modelling and developing innovative process systems. I am here to provide expert advice and solutions to various science and engineering problems.
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4.9 · 58 Reviews
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very skill employee very skill employee
Cong S.
Flag of
saint john, Canada
5 months ago
Emmanuel one of the best chemical engineering that he is delivering professional analysis and reporting.
Hassan A.
Flag of
dammam, Saudi Arabia
9 months ago
Amazing work and great context. :)
Harshdev B.
Flag of
Yanchep, Australia
2 years ago
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Thermodynamics tutoring ₹8,100 INR
Darshan M.
Flag of
Bhopal, India
2 years ago
Process Design Engineer
Feb, 2014 - Jun, 2014
4 months
Feb, 2014 - Jun, 2014
4 months
Designed pipeline and piping for oil and gas production using API 14e and ASME codes for optimal line sizing. Designed various Separators and knock-out drum using Industrial standards. Developed and simulated of oil and gas processes using Aspen Hysys and OLGA. For example: Natural gas fractionation process and flow of crude oil from storage tank through pipeline, pumps and other appurtenances. Designed flare header piping and stack using guidelines presented in API 521, 520 with modification for optimal performance and strength using ASTM specified materials. Produced various design calculations and projects in Microsoft excel format sheet. Applied process safety and risk analysis tools to identify and assess process industrial hazards. Assisted in HAZOP studies of pilot water plant for secondary recovery system for Seplat Petroleum Company. Created PFDs and PIDs of chemical and petroleum processes using AUTOCAD® plant 3d and Microsoft® Visio
Feb, 2014 - Jun, 2014
4 months
Technical Support
Feb, 2011 - Nov, 2013
2 years, 9 months
World Mission Agency
Feb, 2011 - Nov, 2013
2 years, 9 months
Ensured IT support and equipment procurement within the approved budget created. Effectively maintain and resolve technical problems in a timely and accurate manner. Researched and evaluated new technologies and tools as opportunities for service enhancement.
Feb, 2011 - Nov, 2013
2 years, 9 months
Feb, 2008 - Sep, 2008
7 months
Feb, 2008 - Sep, 2008
7 months
Generated product and technical documentation for a new refinery. Carried out Engineering design calculations for Energy systems such as boiler, heat exchangers etc. Performed hazard analysis, sustainability and operability studies on process and equipment.
Feb, 2008 - Sep, 2008
7 months
The University of Birmingham
2010 - 2011
1 year
MSc. Advanced Chemical Engineering
Flag of
United Kingdom
2010 - 2011
1 year
B.Eng. Chemical Engineering
2004 - 2009
5 years
Flag of
2004 - 2009
5 years
Autocad Certified Associate
This certification was to confirm that I have an excellent skill in Autocad usage.
Particuology: Modelling die filling with charged particles using DEM/CFD
Elsevier B.V.
The effects of electrostatic charge on powder flow behaviour during die filling in a vacuum and in air were analysed using a coupled discrete element method and computational fluid dynamics (DEM/CFD) code, in which long range electrostatic interactions were implemented. The present 2D simulations revealed that both electrostatic charge and the presence of air can affect the powder flow behaviour during die filling. It was found that the electrostatic charge inhibited the flow of powders into the die and ind
US English - Level 1
US English
Basic Numeracy - Level 1
Basic Numeracy
Preferred Freelancer Program SLA
UK English - Level 1
UK English