Freelancer: juanitofu
Report Entry


Hi. I made this short comic I'm about to end, just a few dialogs and colors and it's done. It's a Billionaire cat, who made it's fortune by creating a new crypto, the "Fishcoins". Fishcoins miners are known as "fishers". Made with Illustrator. Please tell me what you think about this. Thank you.

Contest Entry #19 for                                                 Character for comics and comics one picture

Public Clarification Board

  • Riusha
    Contest Holder
    • 6 years ago

    To summarize the results of the competition, each participant must submit 2 drawings consisting of 8 parts (1 character and 1 slide comics painted in 7 different colors).
    1) Character without background.
    2) 1 piece of comics with a character in black and white
    3) The same comics + 1 color.
    4) The same comics + 2 colors
    8) The same comics + 6 colors (completely painted comics)

    • 6 years ago