Freelancer: keerthanashashi
Report Entry

My list of names

Hi! I have provided a list of names and have divided them into two types. There are 2 pages in total. Appreciate feedback should you require me to revise any names. Hope one of them speaks to you and helps rename your clinic! Look forward to your response, Cheers!

Contest Entry #116 for                                                 Come up with a great new business name for my psychology practice

Public Clarification Board

  • ewoodcock
    Contest Holder
    • 6 years ago

    Hi Keerthana. I will be awarding you the competition. I have not decided on a name yet, and probably won't use anything from the competition. However you made a really good effort with some of the names and I will use these to build my ideas. I like the idea of alliteration - e.g., Think tank, or Brain box, and will think along those lines. Thank you so much for contributing.

    • 6 years ago