Freelancer: msavinash1139
Report Entry

About Us Draft- 1

Hi, I have used the information you've provided and written up the first draft. Let mw know if you'd like some changes, or would like me to add additional information.

Public Clarification Board

  • Tahsico
    Contest Holder
    • 3 years ago

    Thats is the issue. We are stuck. We are two entrepreneurs who has the vision but do not know where to start. We need to create an about us paragraph where we provide information about our company. focused on the values we highlighted we need you to create a company persona for us. Must-haves where we are located, our values. Rest is for your imagination to create our company persona. Our purpose is to empower people to collect their receivables by simplifying things.

    • 3 years ago
  • Tahsico
    Contest Holder
    • 3 years ago

    Hi. Avinash, Thank you for this. It proves to us that you are good at what you do. May we were not clear enough. The information provided was just to give you an idea of what we do. That information is already on the website to explain what we do. What we need is an about us page to explain the company. You can use your expertise to create an about us page for the company which is not what we do but who we are. thanks and sorry for this.

    • 3 years ago
    1. msavinash1139
      • 3 years ago

      Sure, I understand. Can you provide more information about your company? Or where I would find it?

      • 3 years ago