Freelancer: Pmontiron
Report Entry

Datastream Pablo Montiron

Hi! I am music composer from Argentina, my English is not perfect, I hope you understand me anyway. I composed this music specifically for this project, it is royalty free. The music is structured in two parts, one before and one after the logo first appearance. It begins chilling and with the logo it turns joyful. I hope you like it! Kind regards Pablo

Public Clarification Board

  • Pmontiron
    • 10 years ago

    Hi! I have 4 stars but I made an effort to change the music at 0:48 (when the logo shows up). I wonder if the change is not enough strong in your point of view or if you are not content with the composition itself. Perhaps the music is too low, I didn't want to cover up the voice, but if you want I can re-upload it with the music louder. Kind regards, Pablo.

    • 10 years ago