Sick of paying 20% commission on other platforms?

Bring your clients to Freelancer and pay 0%.

You'll pay 0% commission on any work you do with any client that you bring to, provided they do not already have an account.

An illustration of our 0% commission fee

All the benefits of the Freelancer platform,
with no commissions*

0% Commission
Between referring accounts for life

Work with great clients outside of Freelancer? Sign them up and pay no commission on jobs you complete with them.

23.7 Million+
Jobs listed on

There are more jobs on Freelancer than any other platform, so you'll have more opportunities to work the way you want.

$3 Billion+
Total value of jobs listed

Our commission is and always has been 10% for freelancers, which is half what some other sites charge.

Freelancer is the best platform for online work.
We have ten Webby awards to prove it!