Savannah Logo and Mobile app

by MariaSinistera
Savannah Logo and Mobile app

Savannah has been recognized as the most romantic city of the U.S. South (Huffington Post). Its historic atmosphere, its small city charm and closeness to the river offers plenty of romantic activities and lure in visitors and locals. The purpose of this project is to promote Savannah as a romantic city, provide a useful and inviting tool that enriches visitors experiences and facilitates their planning while discovering Savannah’s beautiful scenes. The logo was designed bringing together the mobile app functionalities: Time - Location - Love. It reflects Savannah’s architecture in the way it uses a grid that references its urban plan (squares). This grid was created by a chart split into four as an initial exploration of time spans. By rotating modules, the clock, location pin and heart are created.

image of username MariaSinistera Flag of Canada VANCOUVER, Canada

About Me

Graphic designer graduated from the MA program in Graphic design of the Savannah College of Art and Design in 2016. Currently enrolled in the UX Designer professional program at the RED Academy in Vancouver. Aiming to bring creative solutions to complex problems by applying design thinking. Passions and pillars include Branding, Digital products, UX Design, Editorial, and Photography. + Vast use of the Adobe Creative Suite. + Curious and versatile. “There is no set rule or template. One of the beauties of what we do is we have structure but not rigidity.” *******Peer insight _Missing the exit.

$20 USD/hr

